Scorpio, you are a beacon of authenticity in a world full of filters and facades. You cannot help but be honest, even when it’s painful.
You tell it like it is in the hope that we can understand something deeper within ourselves. And in the hope that we can access a new level of consciousness. And, thankfully, 2020 is going to pass the microphone to you. Pluto, god of the underworld, has been long at work in your third house of communication. Pluto has required an even greater sense of honesty from you and has held you accountable for every fib and half-truth you have told along the way. And now Saturn, the great teacher, is going to make the truth your only option this year. He will help you rewire the conditioning that taught you somewhere along the way that being polite is better than being sincere.
What do you need to say to your partners, your colleagues and the world this year? If fear wasn’t an issue, what truth bomb would you drop on yourself and others? Where do you need to add more transparency in your life?
The good news is people will want to hear your truth this year. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will help sing your praises. Jupiter is going to add a sense of hope and optimism to the words you speak. A little light and a little pizazz never hurt anyone. Especially when combined with something real. So get to speaking your mind, Scorpio. Now is your time.And since Uranus, the planet of change, will be in your seventh house of partnership, apply this mentality to your ever-evolving intimate relationships. Approach your partners in a new way – one that embraces evolution and demands honesty along the way. You are evolving and ever-changing, so make sure your partnerships keep up with you.
Your voice is sincere. Your voice is honest. Your voice is the translator of the truth. And we need to hear it now more than ever, Scorpio.