Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising


© words by Nadine Jane


Sagittarius—our seeker, and our dreamer. How inspiring it is to watch you travel the world and get to know yourself on the way there. We may not know where you are at any given moment, but we know your heart is always pure.

This year wants you to find your worth, Sagittarius. A worth that exists beyond the numbers in your bank account and the cities you have checked off your bucket list. Pluto, god of the underworld, has been long at work in your second house of money, material possessions, and value. He has asked you to detach from what you own so you can discover the fears, the pain, and the past attached to it.And this year Saturn, the great teacher, is going to push you to get serious and ‘grown-up’ about your finances. Through self-discipline and self-awareness, this year wants you to discover that money does not have to keep any power over you.

What fears do you have around the loss and gain of material possessions? What power struggles do you associate with money that you would like to redefine?

And once you unpack your relationship with money, Jupiter will bring some relief. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will bring you an abundance mentality in your relationship with the material world. She will lift some of the fear of loss, and remind you that the universe will supply you with everything you need. All you have to do is trust.Since Uranus, the planet of change, will be in your sixth house of work service, this level of faith and acceptance around money will allow you more freedom in your career. Uranus will ensure that you break out of whatever rut of a routine you have gotten yourself into over the past few years.

Be thankful for everything that the universe gives and takes from you this year, Sagittarius. Know that there is a larger plan at work.