Pisces, we can’t thank you enough for your empathy. You take us as we are, even on our worst days and even with our worst habits. You approach life through acceptance – knowing there are parts of the journey that you cannot and will not control.
You appreciate and understand life’s natural ebbs and flows. This coming year is going to help you find your place in the world. Pluto, god of the underworld, has been long at work in your eleventh house of belonging and the greater collective. Pluto has been forcing you to question who you align yourself with, making friendship and community an ever-evolving concept for you. And now Saturn, the great teacher, is going to help you work out who is here to grow by your side on this journey called life and who you may have outgrown a long time ago. He will help you see who is a friend and who is a faux this year.
Who do you feel shares your same values? What friendships do you think you have outgrown? What groups and communities give you conditional acceptance and which ones do you believe embrace you as you are?
No matter how difficult these questions may be, know that it is all in the name of belonging. The good news is Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will help you find your place in the world. Jupiter is going to shine a beam of light on the community and connections that bring you abundance and joy. It will be apparent, at points this year, just how good it can feel to be with people who get you and champion your success. And since Uranus, the planet of change, will be in your third house of communication, don’t be surprised if you find new and innovative ways to share your thoughts with the world around you.
You will speak in a way you never thought possible and the right people will understand exactly what you mean. Find your people, Pisces. The ones who are accepting of you as you are of everyone else.