Capricorn, you define the word integrity. You know not to expect results until the work is complete, and we admire you for your steadfastness in your ambitions.
If we had your level of concentration, perhaps we’d be as accomplished as you. But this year, you are going to redefine yourself. Pluto, god of the underworld, has been long at work in your first house of identity. Pluto has probed and questioned the authenticity of your external persona, forcing you to come to terms with what is for show and what is real. From the change of hair color to the change of career path, these physical transformations have been a manifestation of new internal awareness. And now Saturn, the great teacher, wants you to get serious about your evolving identity. He will help you come to terms with what changes were just a passing phase and which ones you want to continue integrating into your life for good.
How has your external identity shifted over the past year? How would you like to continue to evolve on the outside so it reflects what is true for you on the inside?
How brave it is to evolve so publicly. Luckily Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will shine her light down on your transformation; welcome a round of applause for the self-work you have done. You are not the person you were a year ago and you should be proud. And since Uranus, the planet of change, will be in your fifth house of creativity, love and joy, have some fun with your new identity. If you have felt stifled and fearful of your self-expression, Uranus will force you to integrate it. Show off your creative force and own your authentic power, no matter how many feathers you ruffle. There is nothing more beautiful than change.
Allow yourself to evolve this year, Capricorn. Stand tall as you embrace your internal and external changes and remind us that nothing real can remain the same.