Aries & Aries Rising
© words by Nadine Jane
Aries, thank you for leading the charge. You fearlessly jump off the cliff of life to see what’s on the other side and always seem to find your wings on the way down. You inspire us to start over, time and again, because you know the next chapter is merely waiting to begin.
And this year wants you to apply that bravery to your public life. Pluto, god of the underworld, has been long at work in your tenth house of career, fame and honor. He has been asking you to uncover not just who you are, but why you are here. He has required you to tear down old plans and goals so you can devote yourself to your real purpose. The revelations you had in your career throughout 2019 will continue to push you further into authenticity this year – so keep digging.
What has caused you dissatisfaction in your career up until now and what would you like to change this coming year? Where do you think your true power lies in your career? How would you like to transform your reputation so it aligns with your ultimate career goals?
These are tough questions, but the answer lies in your intuition. And, luckily, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is going to reveal the path forward. Jupiter will shine her beams of optimism and opportunity down on your career, showing you a glimpse of the future. Stay aware and conscious of the gifts she gives you; if you feel an aha moment in a specific area of your work, know it is a window into your future.
And since Uranus, the planet of change, will be in your second house of finances, remember that the evolution you experience in your career may have an impact on your bank account. So put as much as you can away in your savings, so you can afford to take risks and make a change in your public life. If you are authentic and brave, Jupiter will shine down on your bank account as well.
Change is your friend this year in your career, Aries. Be brave, as you were born to be, as you set out on your path towards finding your purpose.
© words by Nadine Jane